What is a dream?

A hope? A vision? An abstract thought? Is it even real?

Human civilisation started a long time ago, and we have made huge progress across several areas. This has been possible due to the efforts of generations in turning the abstract individual thoughts into a well defined reality. These thoughts can be shared by multiple members of the society or can be a wiring of a single grey matter situated at the top of an anatomical model of Homo Sapiens. Manifestations of these virtual conceptualizations has steered our society and the physical world like an engine pulling carriages behind it to a far away place. Multiple studies have shown dreams are influenced by our physical experiences and surroundings, while also influencing our behaviour and responses to the real world situations. This complex relationship makes us human beings fortunate enough to interact with the nature in the manner very few can. Sometimes the embodiment of our refined and sharpened view of the external world creeps into the real world, provided the feasibility and access to the required resources. Quintessential part of our cognitive mind is engaged with forming it's own reality and version of the observed reality. The application of different incepted ideas upon our surroundings and the conduct with the other parts of our ecological system.

In the past the implementation of the very same dreams transformed our ambience in the manner never heard before. A dream need not to be a big, it can be a small idea to modify something too. Regardless of that, this adaptation journey needs a carrier and a rudder. Dreams are a connection between our imaginative mind and the external physical reality. These imagination contain idea to make this world a better place, and then the genesis happens. In an effort to build something, it requires a concrete plan, a strong foundation, dedicated backing and needlessly a wise “builder”.

Till the turn of this century the idea of progression and innovation has primarily lied in the hands of very few due to the circumstances and the nature of global space. With more and more minds now coming in the sphere of knowledge and formation of multiple hubs of ignited minds, it is necessary and justified to provide them with the correct space and support.

An individual studying in a rural school in a small village of Bihar, India can dream like a high school student studying in Palo Alto, California, USA. But there is a significant difference in the chances of the realization of their dreams, their imaginative reality.

The bracketing of nations on the basis of their income generation particularly states their status in tapping those bright ideas. The lack of streamlined building process attributes to the fact that the bottom 50% of the world's population has wealth share of only 1.85%, while the population in developing and poor economies amounting to 85.54% of the total global population. The notion of lack of opportunities has gripped the existing imaginative thinkers in a vortex of rat race, leading to the eventual loss of enthusiasm and augmentation mindset. This converts the process of ignition to the regular grind, halting any possibility of any vital change or advancement. This vicious cycle continues and has etched itself into the society's way of looking at their future grounding a dream's flight. The mindset of a builder needs a push, which can only come through a visible incentivization and platform to tap in the idea. Unlocking the potential needs the heightened accessibility and a noticeable support. Civilization needs improvement and mutation, just like any other biological element to keep up with the changes in surrounding ecosystem.

the civilization that withstands - survives.

the civilization that builds - thrives.

With the globe now connecting through artificial intelligence, it is now a great question how can the integration between society and technology take place in a progressive manner. This necessitates the permeation of creativity and curiousness in the society, with the imbued vision to shape the future of public goods and technology. The innovative outlook and social acumen combined can propel this generation to greater heights. A method to pool the ideas shaping the society's progress employing the technological efficacy to achieve the intended vision and the suitable aptitude can generate an engine that can push the manifestation of advancement and a better mentality of building rather than hoarding the gates of an established setup. This is where the shared space of budding minds and talent come into the picture.

And this is where gen/acc: generation accelerator comes.

Generation Accelerator (gen/acc)


To accelerate the culture of building in youth by connecting curiosity with opportunities and support.


Generation Accelerator (gen/acc) is designed to foster young innovators by focusing on projects that intersect societal understanding and technological fluency, encouraging creativity and impact.

How It Works